Quran Academy

Quran Academy

The concept of establishing ‘Hazrath Khadeejatul Kubra Quran Academy” was conceived by Janab Dr. Azmathullah (may Allah be pleased with him and bestow his blessings and mercy on him). Within this academy understanding the Quran ‘Word by Word’ and learning the same with Naazira and Tajweed is given precedence hence we made this a part of our curriculum, for both high school and Junior college.

Speaking about the program ‘Word by Word- Understanding the Quran’, we are immensely thankful to Janab Imran Sait Saheb and Mohtarima Aaliya Bathul of Chennai for beginning this program.
Not just our students’ even parents are learning the Quran under this program, which is really great. We show our appreciation to Dr. Syed Imamuddin Ahmed and Janab Aejaz Ali Khan of Chennai for instigating and supervising this program.